Space Triptych


Star Gazer (white)

Star Gazers favorite thing about looking at stars is the feeling that he gets to be a time traveler—not seeing things as they really are, but seeing them as they were years ago, all suspended equally in the present. If that’s possible, then anything is!

Comet (blue)

Comet brings wonder and excitement each place he goes. He sheds light all across his journey, leaving each place a little brighter for having been there.

Galaxy (pink)

Galaxy is concerned with the amazing ordinary things all around us. He sees all the universe in a drop of water, a microcosm of the universe. If you want to appreciate the little things all around you, Galaxy can help you do it!

God Ball comes with an entertaining instruction manual and an elegant enclosure with a golden seat fit for a God Ball. Rest assured, the enclosure has adequate ventilation so that he can breath easily in transit.

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  • Color: Sparkly Black

  • Materials: Acrylic

  • Dimensions: Approximate 4 inches.

  • Handmade in the United States

  • Disclaimer: Every God Ball is slightly different due to the dye lots of the yarn, the tension of the knitting, the weight of the yarn, the subtleties of their expressions, etc. View these variations as you would grain in fine leather—a mark of their authenticity and uniqueness.